Conferences Organized

I enjoy organizing conferences for two reasons: (a) it satisfies the natural organizer in me, and (b) I love creating situations in which scholars can come together. Here are the major conferences I have organized:


2016: The 3rd Formal Ways of Analyzing Variation Conference (FWAV3), in collaboration with Bill Haddican and Alan Munn

2013: The 43rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL43), in collaboration with Marcel den Dikken, Frances Blanchette, Teresa O’Neill, and Ignacio Montoya

2008: LSA Symposium: Phi-feature Inflection: Perspectives, Problems, Prospects (M. den Dikken, Chief Organizer; other co-organizers: J. Bernstein & R. Zanuttini)

2004:  The 19th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW19 [M. den Dikken, Chief Organizer])


At U. of Michigan:

1999: The 29th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL29), in collaboration with Diana Cresti, Steve Dworkin, and Teresa Satterfield