Tortora, C., F. Blanchette, & T. O’Neill. in preparation. “Variation in Appalachian verb forms: evidence for a general past.”
Tortora, C., in preparation. “A multiple grammars approach to variation in verb movement in English interrogatives.”
Tortora, C., B. Santorini, & G. Johnson. [submitted; under revision]. “Some notes on infinitival perfects in Appalachian English: Modals vs. infinitival to,” American Speech (Duke University Press).
Haddican, B., M. Newman, C. Cutler, & C. Tortora. to appear. “Aspects of change in New York City English short-a,” in Language Variation and Change.
Tortora, C. & F. Blanchette. 2020. “Negation in non-standard varieties,” in V. Déprez & M.T. Espinal (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Negation, pp. 515-529. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tortora, C. 2018. “Evidence for generalized verbal periphrasis in English,” in H. Bartos, M. Den Dikken, Z. Bánréti, and T. Váradi (eds.) Boundaries Crossed, at the Interfaces of Morphosyntax, Phonology, Pragmatics and Semantics (in the series Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory), pp. 163-180. Springer.
Tortora, C., B. Santorini, & F. Blanchette. 2018. “Romance Parsed Corpora,” Linguistic Variation 18.1: 1-22.
Tortora, C. 2017. “When a piece of phonology becomes a piece of syntax: The case of subject clitics,” in Ruth E. V. Lopes, Juanito Ornelas de Avelar and Sonia M. L. Cyrino (eds.) Selected papers from the 45th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL45), University of Campinas – Brazil, 06-09 May, 2015, pp. 235-258. Amsterdam: Benjamins (in the RLLT series).
Poletto, C. & C. Tortora. 2016. “Subject Clitics: Syntax,” in A. Ledgeway & M. Maiden (eds.) The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages, pp. 772-785. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tortora, C., 2014a. “Addressing the problem of intra-speaker variation for parametric theory,” in R. Zanuttini & L. Horn (eds.) Micro-syntactic variation in North-American English, pp. 294-323. NY: Oxford University Press.
Tortora, C., 2014b. “Heritage nation vs. heritage language: Towards a more nuanced rhetoric of “heritage” in Italian language pedagogy,” Forum Italicum 48.2: 268-291. [Special Issue: The Identities of Italian in Italy and North America. Editors: Hermann Haller and Lori Repetti.]
Tortora, C., 2014c. “Patterns of variation and diachronic change in Piedmontese object clitic syntax,” in P. Beninca’, A. Ledgeway, & N. Vincent (eds.) Diachrony and Dialects, pp. 218-240 Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tortora, C., 2014d. “Clausal domains and clitic placement generalizations in Romance,” in K. Lahousse & S. Marzo (eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2012, pp. 1-35, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Tortora, C., 2014e. “On the relation between functional architecture and patterns of change in Romance clitic syntax,” in M.-H. Côté & E. Mathieu (eds.), Variation within and across Romance Languages, pp. 331-348. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Beninca’, P. & C. Tortora, 2011. “Grammatica generativa e variazione,” Studi italiani di linguistica teorica ed applicata [Special Issue, G. Berruto (ed.) La variazione: un terreno d’incontro fra sociolinguistica e teoria linguistica], XL.2: 233-258.
Beninca’, P. & C. Tortora, 2010. “On Clausal Architecture: Evidence from Complement Clitic Placement in Romance,” in V. Torrens, L. Escobar, A. Gavarró and J. Gutiérrez (eds.) Movement and Clitics: Adult and Child Grammar, pp. 219-237. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Tortora, C. & M. den Dikken, 2010. “Subject Agreement Variation: Support for the Configurational Approach,” Lingua 120:1089-1108.
Tortora, C., 2010. “Domains of clitic placement in finite and non-finite clauses: Evidence from a Piedmontese dialect,” in Roberta D’Alessandro, A. Ledgeway, & I. Roberts (eds.) Syntactic Variation. The Dialects of Italy, pp. 135-149. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Beninca’, P. & C. Tortora, 2009. “Towards a finer-grained theory of Italian participial clausal architecture,” in University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 15.1: 17-26.
Tortora, C., 2008. “Aspect inside PLACE PPs,” in A. Asbury, J. Dotlacil, B. Gehrke, & R. Nouwen (eds.) Syntax and Semantics of Spatial P, pp.273-301. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
den Dikken, M., J. Bernstein, C. Tortora, & R. Zanuttini, 2007. “Data and Grammar: Means and Individuals,” Theoretical Linguistics 33.3: 335-352.
Tortora, C., 2006a. “The Case of Appalachian Expletive they,” American Speech 81.3:266-296.
Tortora, C., 2006b. “On the aspect of space: The case of PLACE in Italian and Spanish,” in N. Penello & D. Pescarini (eds.) Atti dell’undicesima giornata di dialettologia (Quaderni di lavoro ASIS, v. 5). pp. 50-69. CNR: Padova. (ISSN# 1826-8242) AT:
Tortora, C., 2005. “The Preposition’s Preposition in Italian: Evidence for Boundedness of Space,” in R. Gess & E. Rubin (eds.), Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics, pp. 307-327. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Bernstein, J.B. & C. Tortora, 2005. “Two types of possessive forms in English,” Lingua 115.9:1221-1242.
Tortora, C., 2004. “La variazione sintattica e i dialetti appalachiani,” in G. Marcato (ed). I dialetti e la montagna. Padova: Unipress. pp 337-350.
Tortora, C., 2002. “Romance Enclisis, Prepositions, and Aspect,” Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 20.4: 725-757.
Tortora, C., 2001. “Evidence for a Null Locative in Italian,” in G. Cinque & G. Salvi (eds.) Current Studies in Italian Syntax: Studies Offered to Lorenzo Renzi. Elsevier, London, pp. 313-326.
D. Cresti & C. Tortora, 2000. “Aspects of Locative Doubling and Resultative Predication,” in S. Chang, L. Liaw, & J. Ruppenhofer (eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, pp. 62-73.
Tortora, C., 2000. “Functional Heads and Object Clitics,” in M. Hirotani, A. Coetzee, N. Hall, and J.-Y. Kim (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Meeting of the Northeast Linguistics Society (NELS30), V. 2, pp. 639-653.
Tortora, C., 1999. “Agreement, Case, and i-subjects,” in P. Tamanji, M. Hirotani, & N. Hall (eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS29), V. 1, pp. 397-408.
Tortora, C., 1998a. “Verbs of Inherently Directed Motion Are Compatible with Resultative Phrases,” Linguistic Inquiry 29.2: 338-345.
Tortora, C., 1998b. “The Post-Verbal Subject Position of Italian Unaccusative Verbs of Inherently Directed Motion,” in E. Treviño & J. Lema (eds.) Semantic Issues in Romance Syntax (Proceedings of the 26th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL26), vol. 2). Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 283-298.
Tortora, C., 1997a. “Pronomi Interrogativi in Borgomanerese,” in P. Beninca’ & C. Poletto (eds.) Quaderni di Lavoro dell’ASIS (Atlante Sintattico Italia Settentrionale): Strutture Interrogative dell’Italia Settentrionale, Padova: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, pp. 83-88.
Tortora, C. 1997b. The syntax and semantics of the weak locative. PhD dissertation, University of Delaware. OR SEE CHAPTER 2 OF A COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF BORGOMANERESE, (WHICH IS AN UPDATED VERSION OF THE THESIS).
Tortora, C., 1996. “Two Types of Unaccusatives: Evidence from a Northern Italian Dialect,” in Karen Zagona (ed.) Current Issues in Linguistic Theory: Grammatical Theory and Romance Languages (Proceedings of the 25th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL25)). London: Benjamins, pp. 251-262.
Tortora, C., 1994. “Beyond the Perfect Construction: Auxiliary Selection in English,” in G. Borgato (ed.) Teoria del Linguaggio e Analisi Linguistica(Proceedings of the 20th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa). Padova: Unipress, pp. 371-385.
Tortora, C., 1993. “The Phonological Word in Dakota,” in M. Bernstein (ed.), Proceedings of the Ninth Eastern States Conference on Linguistics(ESCOL9). Ithaca: Cornell University, pp. 238-249.